reference 1 , reference 2
in Computer Management
in Computer Management
- Create Group "InternetFileAccess"
- Create User "ftponly"
- Add ftponly to group "InternetFileAcess" and remove from group "Users"
- In ftponly Properties -> Remote control tab -> uncheck "Enable remote control" checkbox
in Explorer
- at directory C:\Users\Public\Downloads Properties -> Security tab -> add ftponly user -> set permission to Read, Write, Modify, List
in IIS
- Add FTP Site "ftponly"
- Physical path is C:\Users\Public\Downloads
- in FTP Authentication -> Basic Authentication = Enable
- in FTP Authorization -> Add Allow Rule -> Specified users: ftponly, Premissions : Read, Write
- in FTP Firewall support set External IP to this Server internal Machine <---- important for fix bug ftp can login but fail to receive directory
- in FTP SSL Settings set SSL Certificate to "IIS Express Development Certificate", SSL Policy check "Require SSL Connections"
- in FTP User Isolation check "FTP root directory"